Bada Bing

What the Real Democracy Party and candidate John Manimas IS,

and what they are NOT:


NOT:  a third party, spoiler party, splinter party, march on Washington, occupy, shout fest, poster-making workshop, political haberdashery, talk, words, talk, words, etc.

IS:  a citizen-voter project to give about 40% of citizens eligible to vote but who do not usually vote (since around 1900) the opportunity to vote AGAINST the two party system and FOR election reform, SPECIFICALLY:  retire the two-party tyranny and replace it with a multi-party system that employs party coalitions (especially between a major party and a minor party) and vote donation or vote sharing, IN ORDER to identify a legitimate majority (more than 50%) counted after each two-year election, a legitimate majority that is either leaning to the right or to the left, ACCORDINGLY AS THE VOTERS HAVE CAST THEIR BALLOTS, and NOT counting the votes of minor parties as "subtractions" from the major party that represents the same side of the political spectrum.


HOW DOES IT WORK:  if you write-in the name of candidate "John Manimas" for any federal office, member of Congress, or President, you are voting for the seven principles of the Real Democracy Party, USA; you are demanding that a major political party enter into a coalition with the Real Democracy Party in order to win by a majority count of the votes and in order to reform our election system and election technology in accordance with the seven principles of the Real Democracy Party, USA; you are voting to have political campaigns funded ONLY by contributions from  VOTERS and to forbid contributions from business entities, which are NOT VOTERS.

            FOOTNOTE:  At this time (2018-2020), 40% of the eligible voters who do not usually register and vote is approximately 100 million voters.  They can vote for election reform to give American citizens the political choices that they want, save the U.S.A. from itself and maybe also the world.  What is a good reason for this "Revolution by Vote"?  To avoid a violent restart of the American Civil War.  Bada-boom.   


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