Closing Statement J M Campaign 2020


Voting Plan


The 40% of non-voters have the power to save America.  I am registered as a no-party voter but I plan to vote for Joe Biden for President because Trump represents the Confederate States of America.  Removing Trump will maintain a window of hope for our democracy.  The best solution to the lethal failures of the two-party system is elections reforms, specifically mandatory voting, ranked-choice voting, fusion voting, vote donation and party coalitions.  These reforms will make elections far less vulnerable to voter suppression and control of candidates by a small and selfish political class. 


These reforms promote majority rule and enable new parties that serve the people.  New parties will be able to win more political power over a series of elections.  New candidates will be empowered to dislodge the Democrats and Republicans who serve only a rich and selfish American Nobility.  Serious democracy requires serious equality.  Real Democracy requires effective regulation of commerce and industry.


Permitting corporations to do whatever they want is destructive of freedom-for-all and risks the extinction of human civilization.  The two-party system protects minority rule and has brought the U.S.A. falling from world leader to a failed nation in four short years. 


Democracy is something you DO, and if you are not voting, you are not doing it.  Elections reforms is what non-voters always ask for.  That is 94 million voters in 2020.  Are you okay excluding all those neighbors from the decision-making of our elections?


Paid for by the John Manimas Campaign and www realdemocracyparty org


[This statement was published in the Schenectady Daily Gazette

in the main news section on September 27, 2020]



Elections Reforms Campaign 2024


Voting Plan A:


Simple, no work:  the 40% of non-voters register as no-party voters and vote for the office of President by writing in  RTPS

which means Retire Two-Party System.


Voting Plan B:


Complex, entails some work:  the 40% of non-voters register as no-party voters but join the Transformation Party and with 1,000 volunteers create a party chapter in each of the fifty states and designate, according to each state's formal election rules, all 538 presidential electors pledged to vote for a credible, willing and able progressive candidate for the office of President.  Vote for that candidate, and that candidate will receive all of the presidential electoral votes according to the state and federal laws.


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