An open invitation to make your choice:


Revolution by Violence




Revolution by Vote



Notes on the Real Democracy Project

by John M. Medeiros



The lessons of history tell us not to wait too long,

not to wait until tyranny is entrenched and everyone is afraid.


Further details at:








A Revolution by Vote -- for your consideration

(Notes by John M. Medeiros, May 2017)


As an informed and responsible citizen, I would like to offer an opportunity for voters to vote against the two-party tyranny and for real democracy.  Here is an introduction.  Many more details are available online at:  and  (2017 and 2018)


The two-party system is a scam and it is a wreck and it is destroying American democracy and American society.  We can retire the two-party system and replace it with real democracy through vote donation and political party coalitions, rational election procedures in a multi-party system.


Documents available online include the Four Lethal Flaws of the two-party system and the Seven Principles of the Real Democracy Party.  This project to develop a reliable and democratic election system is suggested as a solution to the dysfunction and ongoing damage caused by the two-party system.  This citizen-voter project IS NOT just another third party.  Not a splinter party or spoiler party, but IS A PLAN to end the irrational election procedure of making the votes for new and small political parties harmful by counting them as votes against the major party with similar policies and a similar platform. 


Attached is an initial list of tasks for participants who want to make the Real Democracy Party official in the State of New York in accordance with state rules for elections and political parties.

To Do list for participants in the Real Democracy Party:

for 2017, to comply with New York Statutes regarding election law and political parties:


Notes by John Manimas Medeiros, May 2017:


To Do

Task #1)  Compose a membership oath or affirmation of honest commitment to the seven principles and platform of the Real Democracy Party.  Individuals who volunteer to be candidates for elective office may add policy positions that are not contrary to the seven principles of the Real Democracy Party. 


To Do:

Task #2)  Identify the first members of the Schenectady County Committee and State Committee (NY) (may include same members).  To be elected or re-elected every two years.  SEE Sections 2-108 and 2-110 :  Rules are more flexible for new political parties.  The Real Democracy Party qualifies, in 2017 and 2018, as a new political party.


To Do:

Task #3)  The RDP may decide to pursue an equal number of males and females in the total membership BUT NOT by an official commitment to exact gender equality, BECAUSE it appears that an official commitment to exact gender equality could block or hinder committee meetings whenever the members present did not constitute exact gender equality (SEE Sec. 2-104, item #2 regarding when gender equality would be legally binding.) 


To Do:

Task #4)  The RDP Schenectady County Committee and State Committee should hold a meeting designated as a "convention" to officially adopt the seven principles and the policies and platform of the Real Democracy Party.  Revisions of language should be adopted only if such revisions do not alter the meaning of or compromise the commitment to election reforms, campaign financing reforms, and retirement of the two-party system with replacement by means of political party coalitions in a multi-party system.


To Do:

Task #5)  State Committee members should review pertinent sections of NY Statutes to assure that elections of members and committees are in compliance and any reports required have been filed in a timely manner with the State Board of Elections and a County Board of Elections.  (See Section 2-112 for reporting requirements.)


To Do:

Task #6)  The members of the State Committee or County Committee may meet to propose, discuss or adopt rules "for governing the party within its political unit" subject to proper notice of such a meeting and filing requirements in Sec. 2-114.


To Do:

Task #7)  The members of the State Committee or County Committee should propose, discuss and or adopt rules for removal of a member, subject to proper notice of such a meeting and filing requirements in Sec. 2-114.



To Do:

Task #8)  The members of the State Committee or County Committee should review pertinent sections of the law regarding party position and primary elections, and filing of statements thereto, and law regarding party delegates and a national convention, as well as party name and abbreviation, and any party emblem or symbol, and make such decisions that are necessary or recommended and then report such actions as may be required.   (See Sections 2-120 and 2-122).


To Do:

Task #9)  Research and compile Economic Indicators for Workers, and a system to generate them monthly, weekly, or daily.  This being a public service that represents the economic interests of the majority of citizens.   


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John Manimas write-in (Campaign 2020) Package.


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