Mission Statement of RDP, May 2018:


Mission Statement

The Real Democracy Party shall: 


(1)  Provide the citizens all of the United States, beginning with New York, an opportunity to vote, in each two-year general election, against the two-party system and for a multi-party system that employs party coalitions and vote sharing (between major and minor parties) so that candidates and platforms can win elections by margins far greater than 50 per cent;


(2)  Encourage the healthy development of genuine political competition and the constructive practices of political negotiation and compromise among diverse factions in order to secure the effective performance of the duties of government, which is paid for by the people.


(3)  Remain open to suggested alternative legal means to achieve the same goal of providing voters with the option to vote against the two-party system.

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Link back to: The Real Democracy (Revolution by Vote) or (Welcome) page or (Quick Directory) or (Mission PDF) Statement as PDF file.


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