Safe Election Funding Proposal

Policy and Programs Election Funding System

Re:    Principles and Rules for Democratic Elections


Principles and rules:

1)  Only citizens vote and only individual citizens are permitted to make monetary donations or in-kind contributions to candidates for election.


2)  In order to direct donations to the purposes desired by the donors, donations shall be made only to policies and programs to be supported by the donating voters.


3)  The donating voters may form a "Government Policy and Program Citizens Committee" in order to collect their donations in a protected account and then distribute the funds, with the assistance of a third-party monitor, to a candidate or candidates who successfully apply for their campaign funds dedicated to the government policies and programs that the donating voters support.


4)  The amount donated by an individual citizen may be regulated by law, but all donations must be identified by the name and state of the individual donor. 


5)  No organization or business entity may make a donation.


6)  Candidates for elective office may apply for a grant of campaign funds according to the rules and procedures required by all such citizens committees, and shall include a statement of commitment to the policies and programs supported by the citizens committee, and shall include a signed statement to actively support those specific policies and programs if elected.


7)  If a candidate is elected and fails to support the specified policies and programs, he or she shall provide a written explanation and may be required by the citizens committee to return the funds donated to support their specified policies and programs. 


8)  The policies or programs supported by a citizens committee may be described generally or in highly specific terms.


9)  No candidate shall be permitted to apply for campaign funds by means of a claim that he or she will "cut taxes" or "lower taxes" or promote "smaller government."  With regard to any form of tax funds or government expenditures, a candidate must clearly identify which specific tax  funded activities they will oppose or reduce and which tax funded activities they will support or increase, including the compensation paid to public employees.  If any candidate proposes to reduce or make payments on public debt, they shall describe clearly how the money shall be obtained to make such payments.


10)   A citizens committee organized for this purpose may make special rules that expand the requirements necessary for a candidate to be granted their donations for the public policies or programs that they support, including requirements to return funds for failure to perform and organized plans to deny votes to the candidate in any future elections. 


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