September Surprise


A Simple, Perfectly Legal Way to

Block a Second Term for Trumpolini


Supporting Law


Chiafalo v Washington #19-465        Supreme Court of U. S. A. (9-0)


You can get your own copy at:


Supreme Court online: (Chiafalo) (9-0), July 6, 2020



On May 23, 2020 the Supreme Court heard final arguments in the case of Chiafalo v Washington, associated with another case, Colorado v Baca, both cases raising the issue of whether or not the Presidential Electors of each state (total 538) are vested by the Constitution with the power to exercise their own personal and individual judgment when casting their electors ballots for the offices of President and Vice President.  According to this decision, which is remarkably clear English, the Supreme Court voted 9 to zero to repeat and uphold several previous decisions on the matter of the "Electoral College."  The content of the decision states beyond any reasonable doubt that the state legislatures are empowered by the Constitution to exercise complete and absolute control over who the electors can vote for and who they cannot vote for.  The Court's decision is sharp and firm.  All nine Justices give no support whatsoever to the argument that the original Constitutional provisions in Article II mean that the Presidential Electors have the power to exercise their own judgment.  Their role and duty is to deliver the votes that they are instructed to deliver by their state legislature.  The procedure followed by law is spelled out in about 30 states, providing that each elector is "pledged" to vote for the candidates supported by the political party that appoints the electors.  The system is somewhat complicated, and some would say "tortured," but the legal meaning is that the state legislature controls the votes of their Presidential Electors, absolutely.



THEREFORE, any state law that elaborates or explains further who the Presidential Electors CAN vote for or CANNOT vote for, is perfectly legal and in tune with the firmly established Supreme Court judgment on how the "Elector College" works.  That means any state can pass a law that prohibits the Electors from voting for a candidate of poor moral character.  For this reason, I am suggesting that each state pass a law entitled The Moral Character of a President.  Here below is a sample text of such a law:


Moral character of a President:  Whereas the person elected to the office of President of the United States exercises tremendous power over public policy and great influence over the quality of public life throughout the nation, it is advisable that the successful candidate be a person of good moral character.  Therefore, it is hereby enacted and ordered that the appointed and pledged presidential electors of the honorable State of New York shall not cast their presidential elector ballot for: A) a candidate who was convicted, within the previous twenty years, of a felony offense; B) a candidate who has been impeached by the House of Representatives. 


Renunciation of Elector Pledge:  If the candidate of the political party to which an Elector is pledged suffers the cloud of poor moral character of either a felony offense or having been impeached, then the Elector must renounce their pledge and cast their ballot for another presidential candidate who does not carry the stain of either of these two signs of poor moral character. 


Basis of this provision:  The basis of this provision is in part that a President who is impeached by the House of Representatives has been found to have failed to perform his duties to assure that the laws are enforced and the public health and safety are protected.







Manimas Contends States Can Block

Elector Votes for Impeached Trump


Manimas said on August 26th he believes neither Joseph Bidden nor Donald Trump will receive 270 electoral votes in the 2020 General Election.  "The Republicans would be happy with that outcome," Manimas said, "because they want the presidential election to be forced into stage two, where each state has the power of one vote.  Because there are 26 to 30 states controlled by the Republican Party, the Republicans believe that they can still give their champion, Donald Trump, a second term in the oval office.  But Bidden has a way to win if the Democrats act fast.  There is a perfectly legal way for Joe Bidden to win the election if some states pass a moral character law to control their state's presidential electors."


The letter that presidential candidate John Manimas has mailed to Tom Perez, Chair of the DNC, and Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, is posted on the website of the Real Democracy Party, which can be found by searching for John Manimas Campaign, and then Revolution by Vote.


Manimas said, "The Supreme Court recently affirmed several previous Court decisions regarding the role of the Presidential Electors in the election of the President.  The Court's decision in Chiafalo v Washington, #19-465, dated July 6, 2020, supported by all nine Justices, affirms that the state legislatures exercise total control over who their Presidential Electors can and cannot vote for.  Therefore, each of the states has the power to pass a law stating that their electors cannot vote for a candidate who has been impeached by the House of Representatives."


Manimas argued that the presidential election is at high risk to require the second stage of the electoral process, where each state has one vote.  "That vote would make it possible for Donald Trump to be re-elected by the 26 least populous states," Manimas said, "or less than 40% of the population, dismissing an elective role for the larger states like California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, Virgina and Wisconsin."  Manimas said, "This highly likely outcome would cause a second American Civil War.  The polls only tell us what people say in answer to questions about their opinions.  The polls DO NOT tell us who will vote and how they will vote.  Trumpolinis have not changed since 2016.  That kind of person does not change their mind.  It is a matter of honor for them that they never change."


Click here to view PDF copy of: (DNC& NY Governor) September Surprise letter, dated August 21, 2020.


States with Governor, H, S Democratic (15)

CA       California       55

CO       Colorado         9

CT       Connecticut    7

DE       Delaware         3

HI        Hawaii            4

IL        Illinois            20

ME      Maine              4

NV      Nevada            6

NJ        New Jersey     14

NM      New Mexico   5

NY      New York       29

OR       Oregon                        7

RI        Rhode Island   4

VA      Virginia          13

            WA     Washington    12        192


States with H, S, Democratic, Governor Republican (5)

MD      Maryland                    10

MA      Massachusetts            11

MN      Minnesota                   10

NH      New Hampshire          4

                            VT      Vermont                      3       38        (230)



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Quick view of JM Campaign VIDEOS at primacycinema on YouTube: (J M Campaign Videos).


See our (Final Offer), August 5, 2020, to the Democratic Party and House of Representatives.


Look at (John Manimas Campaign 2020) to learn more about the non-voter plan to save America.


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