What is this "Revolution by Vote" all about?


I have been observing American politics since 1956.  I am just an informed voter.  The demonstrated result of the two-party system is that YOU and WE have had a government that is not approved by 70% of the people for the past 120 years.  The two-party system has evolved as the best way to continue the American Civil War indefinitely.  Do you see us being protected from political extremists?  To me it looks like political extremists, the American Nobility, are in charge and minority rule is protected by the two-party system.  There is no Constitutional basis for the two-party system.  It is just a successful scam.  Welcome to Scamerica.  If the American people do not demand election reforms that enable real political competition, the two-party system is going to continue to destroy our democracy and our society.  LEARN MORE – the lives of your children and grandchildren, their very existence, depend on it.  Consider the Four Lethal Flaws in the QUICK LIST or QUICK DIRECTORY.  Explore.  Become an informed voter.  Democracy is not free.  You pay for everything:  coffee, pizza, rides, taxes, school, a place to sleep, bad weather, and the Armed Forces of the United States.  You have to pay for your democracy too, and your civil rights.  But you can pay by work, by reading, by talking with your friends and neighbors.  We all have to cope with the challenge of being the person we want to be.  Well, it works that way for society too:  we have to cope together with the challenge of being the democracy we want to be.  We do not have political and economic problems because people are bad; we have these problems because our system for elections is dysfunctional.  Our elections are designed to maintain minority rule.  If you really want majority rule, you must demand election reforms. 

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