Volunteers Needed

Save your country, save the world

through the Revolution by


IF you are a member of the largest voting block

in America, the 40% who do not vote, then let the change

you want to see in the world begin with YOU, by voting

for Election Reforms and against the Two-party disaster.

Details, process, non-violent democratic revolution at:

www . realdemocracyparty . org

No marching, posters, letters, phone calls, sign-in.

No registration, joining, or donation requested.

Just VOTE – write in John Manimas for President

in November 2020, and Happy Holidays!

Equal Volunteering Opportunities Alpha - Omega.


John Manimas write-in (Campaign 2020) Package.



LINKS to other sections of the CAMPAIGN 2019 PACKAGE:


x x x x x x x x x x x x


John Manimas 2020 Write-in Campaign 1 2 3 4


(1)  What is (Different) about the John Manimas Write-in Campaign.


(2)  The Effect of the (12fth Amendment) on the Presidential election.


(3)  Donation of Electoral Votes in Exchange for (Election Reforms).


(4)  Five Most Common Political (Con Jobs) or it's easy to know candidates.


x x x x x x x x x x x x


Return to (Welcome) Page.


What you would be (voting for) and proposed law to establish (obligatory voting).


Why you would become a (Voting Power), and the (Mission 2020) Statement.


To-do organizational plans/strategies:

To-do (Guidelines) for tasks and volunteers.

To-do (Detailed information) on how to be treated as an official candidate.


Elections information:

Brief description of voter suppression and political party (suppression).


The (Electoral College) and its problems, a key to election reforms.


State election authorities names and (Addresses).

The Federal Government does not manage elections, but is vested with power to monitor elections or make rules

for election procedures in order to provide the "republican form of government" guaranteed by the Constitution.


(Federal Guide) online PDF for elections of federal offices,

by Federal Elections Commission (FEC).


Elections and political party information – Federalist Papers:

Online access to text of the  (Federalist Papers)

Papers, or numbers, of special interest below.


Constitutional information:

There are many text versions of the Constitution of the United States online.

One is a PDF file:  (Constitution USA).


IMPORTANT! CONTRIBUTIONS made to the campaign committee of John Manimas or John Manimas Medeiros,

or to the Real Democracy Party (USA) ARE NOT deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.


See (Progress Reports 2019), work completed to make it real.


Return to (Welcome) Page.


To before 0922pages: (Before 0922 Contents)