Meet the Candidates (November 3, 2020)


Recommended to you by the Real Democracy Party

and the Revolution by Vote


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John Manimas                        Henry Jackson

for President                           for Vice President


AND for retirement of the two-party system through

election reforms that maintain multiple party choices


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Meet the Candidates Biographies


Biography of Henry Jackson (May 2020)


Henry Jackson is a transplanted New York “city boy” who has grown very fond of the upstate New York region he has made home for the past 30 years.  For the past 19 years, Henry has been employed by the New York State Insurance Fund as a claims examiner.  He holds a B.S. degree in Economics from S.U.N.Y Empire State College. With his knowledge of economics and the stock market, Henry has become a stock trader/investor and for a time was a contributing writer for Broken Leg Investing. Broken Leg is an online newsletter, specializing in value investing.  In his spare time, he’s an avid runner, voracious reader and amateur U.S. historian. Henry is also a fun loving father, grandfather and very head over heels in love with his wife Tracy Fuller.  Henry’s experience growing up in an inner city housing project and now residing in suburbia has afforded him first-hand experience that there are more commonalities amongst diverse groups than differences.  This commonality should be explored via meaningful dialogue that encourages community, coalitions and ultimately peaceful coexistence. 


Biography of John Manimas (May 2020)


John Manimas Medeiros lived his first eighteen years in Fairfield, Connecticut.  He always loved school.  He started working at age twelve weeding gardens and mowing lawns.  He did some heavy labor for short stints in factories and on construction crews.  He picked apples and peaches and worked as a recreation supervisor at Boys and Girls Clubs of America.  He used his college education to be employed as a junior high school teacher, Revenue Agent (IRS), insurance claims adjuster, personnel recruiter, and in mental health recreational services for children.  His career position was as a child-protection social worker with the State of Vermont for twenty-five years.  In 1967 he studied congressional war authorizations published in the Congressional Record and printed a pamphlet entitled "The Case Against a President's War" in 1968 (free online).  He was an active member of a peace group during the 1970s.  John does believe he is qualified to perform the duties of the office of President of the United States because he has been a civil servant for thirty years of his fifty-year working life.  Most influential book in his life is Profiles in Courage, by Senator John F. Kennedy.  Others include The Fixer by Bernard Malamud, The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran, the parables of Jesus.  John studied the parables for over thirty-five years in order to explore why he believed that the message of the parables was scientific rather than principles of moral philosophy.  He organized those studies several times until he self-published The Primacy of Stewardship in 2009.  The scientific message is that if we are bad stewards (servants, caretakers) of the people and property entrusted to us, we will lose everything.  This is what we see happening in the world today.  The message is true and the results of bad stewardship do not require that a superior being impose a punishment on us.  Our loss of the privilege of being a steward of life is caused by us, not by God or any enforcer other than Nature.


John Manimas write-in (Campaign 2020) Package.


Back links with additional helpful links -- follow your curiosity and questions -- choose the topic you want:


Link back to: Welcome Page of (Revolution by Vote) or the essential topics in the (Quick Directory).


Check the (Arithmetic) of the Revolution by Vote. Open Campaign (Package 2019) for older messages (2019-2016).


See (Progress Reports 2020), work completed to make it real.


If you wish, submit your five-minute Voter's First Response Survey: (RBV Survey #1).


(1)  What is (Different) about the John Manimas Write-in Campaign.


(2)  Donation of Electoral Votes in Exchange for (Election Reforms).


(3)  The Effect of the (12fth Amendment) on the Presidential election.


(4)  Five Most Common Political (Con Jobs) or it's easy to know candidates.


The Revolution by Vote is a PLAN for the American people to use their voting power to get off the Two-party (Seesaw)


and create a real democracy as was intended by the founders AND the original three million colonists.


What you would be (voting for) and proposed law to establish (obligatory voting).


Why you would become a (Voting Power), and the (Mission 2020) Statement.


Elections information:

Brief description of voter suppression and political party (suppression).


The (Electoral College) and its problems, a key to election reforms.


State election authorities names and (Addresses).

The Federal Government does not manage elections, but is vested with power to monitor elections or make rules

for election procedures in order to provide the "republican form of government" guaranteed by the Constitution.


(Federal Guide) online PDF for elections of federal offices,

by Federal Elections Commission (FEC).


Elections and political party information – Federalist Papers:

Online access to text of the  (Federalist Papers)

Papers, or numbers, of special interest below.


Constitutional information:

There are many text versions of the Constitution of the United States online.

One is a PDF file:  (Constitution USA).


Poster/advertisement:  You can vote (Against) the Two-Party Tyranny.


            By writing in John Manimas you will be voting for:  (Election reforms).


Want more detailed information?  Read six short documents, each two pages: The (Six Documents).


Invitation to (Decide):  Revolution by Violence or Revolution by Vote


  (Membership) Oath or Affirmation for Real Democracy Party


To before 0922pages: (Before 0922 Contents)