Progress Reports from the John Manimas (Write-in) Campaign (JMC) 2020




JMC Progress Report #8 (Paperwork! July 2020) -- and call out for volunteers: 

By now have submitted affidavits and declarations of intent to run as a write-in candidate for President in a total of 18 states with 257 electoral votes, described in "Ballot Access" and "Final Offer" pages. Continue pursuit of national referendum write-in to reject the two-party system and demand election reforms -- that would be the Revolution by Vote. NOTE TO NON-VOTERS: How disatisfied and afraid are you? Millions of write-in votes could be recorded as a serious protest vote, if you are determined to not vote for one of the two parties that the states impose on us as a plainly authoritarian political restriction. Do you see that you need to make the two-party tyrants afraid of you? Otherwise they will continue in power without any obligation to respond to the voters. You, the "non-voters" are the only group that can save America.


JMC Progress Report #7 (Paperwork! 2020) -- and call out for volunteers: 

From May through July: Continue submitting affidavits and declarations of intent to run as a write-in candidate for President in the "Purple" states and West Coast states. Continue pursuit of crowd-sourcing for the possibility/hope for a national referendum write-in to reject the two-party system and demand election reforms -- that would be the Revolution by Vote. NOTE TO NON-VOTERS: How disatisfied and afraid are you? Millions of write-in votes could be recorded as a serious protest vote, if you are determined to not vote for one of the two parties that the states impose on us as a plainly authoritarian political restriction. Do you see that you need to make the two-party tyrants afraid of you? Otherwise they will continue in power without any obligation to respond to the voters. You, the "non-voters" are the only group that can save America.


JMC Progress Report #6 (Paperwork! 2020): 

From January through April: Continue compliance with FEC and IRS campaign finance reporting. Create notarized documents to certify that John Manimas is an official write-in candidate for President in New York State. Add information pages to website to support crowd-sourcing for the possibility/hope for a national referendum write-in to reject the two-party system and demand election reforms -- that would be the Revolution by Vote.


JMC Progress Report #5 (Taking Steps): 

The Question:  Will non-voting Americans awaken, see the danger in time to act?  Steps taken: Filed reports required by the Internal Revenue Service. Filed reports required by the Federal Elections Commission. Received Presidential Candidate ID number from the FEC; received principal Campaign Committee ID number from the FEC. Working on "Arithmetic Two: the 2020 Presidential Election Disaster" to support the Revolution by Vote voters in the plan for a write-in protest vote to discipline the political fraud known as the Two-Party System. ADDED BRIEF survey #4: Do you support elections reforms? The online URL address is: (Reforms Survey #4)


JMC Progress Report #4: 

The Question:  Will non-voting Americans awaken, see the danger in time to act? 

Will Americans join in a Revolution by Vote to retire the two-party system?


Have composed and issued Press Release (pr01camp19) [09/10/2019, one page]:


  Online address:  (Prepare for 2020 Election Crisis) 


Created public survey:  Which Election Reforms Do You Support?


  Online address:  (JMC RDP list of election forms).


Created introductory video:  camp01.theproject.mp4, at primacycinema  YouTube


  Online address:  (Introduction to the project). [13 minutes]


Filing monthly reports, IRS form 8872, contributions and expenses for John Manimas Campaign.  Coming soon:  reach FEC threshold of $5,000 and file FEC forms.


Abbr JMC Prog Rep #3:  Have elected treasurer for John Manimas Write-in Campaign: Beverly Elander.  Have filed amended Form 8871, and initial financial report on Form 8872, mid-year for an odd-numbered year, with the IRS.  Prepared Third RDP Voter Survey: Which Election Reforms Do You Support? Next: FEC reports, identify volunteer state officers of the John Manimas Protest Vote Write-In Campaign, and National and NY State Committees of the RDP. Identify Presidential Electors for John Manimas Campaign. NOTE THAT IRS forms and reports appear online at the IRS Political Organization Disclosure Site -- John Manimas Campaign. [08/05/2019]


JMC Progress Report #2:  Have elected officers:  Chair:  John Manimas Medeiros; Vice-Chair:  Henry Jackson; Secretary:  Tracy Fuller; Publicity Coordinator:  Beverly Elander.  Have filed the Form 8871, 8453X with the IRS.  Next: Elect officers of National and NY State Committees of the RDP. [5/28/2019]


JMC Progress Report #1:  Ready to establish the Principal Campaign Committee, begin to "test the waters," and officially establish the Real Democracy Party (USA); ready to file necessary forms and reports with the IRS, FEC and New York State Board of Elections.  Ready to accept moral support from friends and fellow citizens who see a desperate need to reform our two-party system so that our elections will result in majority rule instead of protecting minority rule.  All you have to do is read something on the site, think about it, talk about it.  Check out the reasons people don't vote.  The John Manimas Campaign for Election Reforms addresses all of the reasons why people don't vote.  --- This Project might change America's future – for the better.  You are present at the creation.  Please share this information and the existence of the website:  realdemocarcyparty dot org.  You are not likely to get more than one brief email per month from the John Manimas (Revolution by Vote) Campaign

If you prefer not to receive any emails from me/us, please just reply with a brief request. [04/26/2019]


94 million citizens who do not usually vote could register to vote and save us by voting for election reforms.  If you reject Rs and Ds, you do not have to reject democracy by not voting at all.  You can vote for election reforms and retirement of the two-party system by registering to vote and write-in your vote for John Manimas for President in November 2020.  Or, if you change your mind, you can accept the two-party system and vote for a candidate printed on the ballot.  At the site, look for our Constitution, Article 4, Section 4, guarantee of "republican form of government," and read "Four Lethal Flaws of the Two-Party System."   


John Manimas write-in (Campaign 2020) Package.


(1)  What is (Different) about the John Manimas Write-in Campaign.


(3)  Donation of Electoral Votes in Exchange for (Election Reforms).


(2)  The Effect of the (12fth Amendment) on the Presidential election.


(4)  Five Most Common Political (Con Jobs) or it's easy to know candidates.


Open the Campaign (Package 2019).



Back links with additional helpful links -- follow your curiosity and questions -- choose the topic you want:


Link back to: Welcome Page of (Revolution by Vote) or the essential topics in the (Quick Directory).

Check the (Arithmetic) of the Revolution by Vote. Open Campaign (Package 2019) for older messages (2019-2016).


See (Progress Reports 2020), work completed to make it real.


If you wish, submit your five-minute Voter's First Response Survey: (RBV Survey #1).


(1)  What is (Different) about the John Manimas Write-in Campaign.


(2)  Donation of Electoral Votes in Exchange for (Election Reforms).


(3)  The Effect of the (12fth Amendment) on the Presidential election.


(4)  Five Most Common Political (Con Jobs) or it's easy to know candidates.


The Revolution by Vote is a PLAN for the American people to use their voting power to get off the Two-party (Seesaw)


and create a real democracy as was intended by the founders AND the original three million colonists.


What you would be (voting for) and proposed law to establish (obligatory voting).


Why you would become a (Voting Power), and the (Mission 2020) Statement.


Elections information:

Brief description of voter suppression and political party (suppression).


The (Electoral College) and its problems, a key to election reforms.


State election authorities names and (Addresses).

The Federal Government does not manage elections, but is vested with power to monitor elections or make rules

for election procedures in order to provide the "republican form of government" guaranteed by the Constitution.


(Federal Guide) online PDF for elections of federal offices,

by Federal Elections Commission (FEC).


Elections and political party information – Federalist Papers:

Online access to text of the  (Federalist Papers)

Papers, or numbers, of special interest below.


Constitutional information:

There are many text versions of the Constitution of the United States online.

One is a PDF file:  (Constitution USA).


Poster/advertisement:  You can vote (Against) the Two-Party Tyranny.


            By writing in John Manimas you will be voting for:  (Election reforms).


Want more detailed information?  Read six short documents, each two pages: The (Six Documents).


Invitation to (Decide):  Revolution by Violence or Revolution by Vote


  (Membership) Oath or Affirmation for Real Democracy Party


To before0922pages: (Pre0922 Contents)